horror of horrors... the 6D10 compactron socket that I got are not the correct ones! I got the 9 pins instead of the 12 pins... argh...
guess i have to wire up the rest of the connections and the power supply sections first...
above is the work in progress janus shunt regulator, with 12w ohmite rheostats and kiwames in key locations. the power supply will be rectified by rca 6ax5gt, then 22.5uF GE oil capacitors, then the janus shunt regulator with mundorf m-lytics.
i reused the moskido chassis for the 6t10 mighty midget. had to drill new holes for mounting of the
r-core power transformer (R0080-043) from vt4c.com and also additional holes for mounting of the james output transformer. the moskido chassis had 2 octal tube holes already drilled. i will have to use the front one for the rca 6ax5gt and the rear one for the ge 6t10 compactron. the janus regulator will be on a separate copper plate. i sawed it from my m10 preamp chassis (an early project that was decommissioned).
no matter how i planned, i will miss some parts... this time round, i missed the 200R cathode resistors for the mighty midget. all of the resistors to be used there are
takman rex carbon film resistors. got to replace with kiwame...
some pics