The day finally came. Lyra is past her estimated date of delivery of 8 Sept. We are scheduled for induced labour on the morning of 11 Sept. This time round, I opted for epidural rather than wait till the last centimeter. On top of collecting the stem cord, we are collecting the placenta. Yup... harvesting some human tissue here... Who wants to bid for a placenta pill? Hahaha... Even the nurse found it odd that there is a medical company in Singapore processing placenta powder or pills for beauty purposes.
I went back home to get a insulator and some ice as there is no refrigeration facilities at Mount Alvernia for this purpose. Before I left, it was 6 cm. Returned with the stuff, hang around some more, and it was time to call the gynae. After 3 attempts at pushing, she did not emerge. It required a 4th attempt with assistance of a vacuum to coax her out at 12:17pm. She weighs 3.29 kg. Even heavier than Lucas! We were indeed surprised as San's tummy did not seem that large. Lucas was 3.27kg.
Newborns change in looks almost on a daily basis. It's just amazing how they will look like one parent, both, or none the next day. We were wondering the night before about how she will look and who she will take after. As of now, she seems to have a dimple on her left cheek, Lucas has one on his right. Her eyes are big and she kept looking with the left eye open, then slowly with both, and was always looking around. Not a lazy Year of the Rat baby. San was still commenting that being born in the afternoon, she may be lazy cos rats would be sleeping in the day.
I got a
Fisher-Price Kids Tough Digital Camera for Lucas. It's supposed to be a
gift from Lyra to him. This is the waterproof version, unlike the first generation that is being sold at Kiddy Place for SGD$199. He's quite good with photography... at least from the shots he takes with San's mobile. Will post a separate review of this camera when he has some pics to show.
In the meantime, more pics of Lyra